Friday, November 10, 2006

I've been neglectful...

It's really too easy not to post. Of course, the usual excuses, too busy with work and life...

I'm currently working on our wedding guestbook which will be a photobook that our guests will sign (like a yearbook). I was originally looking at My Publisher but because of this great deal (FREE!), I'm going with Shutterfly:

Each TripAdvisor visitor who submits a total of 10 photographs that are ultimately posted to the TripAdvisor site between October 23rd, 2006 and November 20th, 2006 will receive a coupon redeemable for $20 worth of free prints from Each customer who posts 25 photos during the promotion period will receive a coupon redeemable for a free 20 page Shutterfly® photo book. Here are the details:
It's coming along and hopefully we'll get the order in this weekend.

Engagement photos

While Shaun was away last week in Vegas (yes, I'm jealous), I picked up our disk of high res images as well as our 11x14 enlargement. They all look great! This is the picture we chose for our enlargement:

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