Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Free ice cream and BOGO at Milestone's tonight

Baskin Robbins Scoop Night 5 - 10 PM - Tonight!

Bring your family and friends to the
31 Cent Scoop Night at Baskin-Robbins to show
your support for firefighters and enjoy scoops of
your favourite ice cream for 31 cents.*

As a thank you to our customers and the firefighters
who protect them, Baskin-Robbins is donating
$10,000 to Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation.
All collected consumer donations will be used by CFFF to build the Canadian Firefighters Memorial in Ottawa.

*3 oz. soft serve cone or 2.5 oz. hard scoop are 31 cents plus tax where applicable. Limit three scoops per person.

In other free items tonight, its Date Night at Milestones!

Order any meal and your Date's meal is free! 4 PM - close.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Free cup of coffee @ Starbucks on Earth Day

Bring a travel mug into your neighbourhood Starbucks this Earth Day, Wednesday, April 22 and Starbucks will fill it with complimentary freshly brewed Pike Place Roast.

There is no need to be environmentally friendly only on Earth Day. I just recently realized that Starbucks wll take 10¢ off your drink every time you use your travel mug at participating Starbucks.
10¢ doesn't seem like much but think of all those paper cups you're saving that can't be recycled!

Hope everyone will have a happy and thoughtful Earth Day!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Paid Surveys: Pinecone Research

If you're interested in an extra $5, once in a while, and want a say in future products, you might want to sign up for Pinecone Research. I've been a member of this for a number of years and have done surveys for them on food products primarily. There is the occasional product testing and they send you the product directly to your home. Only one person per household can sign up. I don't get a referral fee so sign up if you're interested - I don't get anything for it! :)

Thursday, April 02, 2009

New affordable clothing line at Zellers

I'll admit it, I love a good deal on clothes. I have no qualms surfing Loblaws or Superstore aisles for Joe Fresh clothes and accessories, as long as its reasonably priced and fashionable.

Now, there's a new clothing line in town by one of Canada's own fashion pioneers. Alfred Sung, who was one of the founding partners of Club Monaco, now is offering Pure by Alfred Sung at Zellers as of April 1st and I'm definitely looking forward to his line. Hopefully, it'll live up to the hype and be priced well according to Zeller's target audience. I'm going to go check it out and try to report on style and pricing.